Bichectomy Surgery

What is Bichectomy Surgery?

Bichectomy surgery is a surgical procedure generally performed for aesthetic purposes and aims to shape the person's facial features. During this surgery, the bicector glands, a specific fat pad in the face, are removed. Bichector glands are oil glands located within the cheeks, and this surgery, which helps clarify facial lines, is generally preferred by individuals who aim to have sharper and more contoured facial features.

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How is Bichectomy Surgery Performed?

Bichectomy surgery is usually performed by a plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon meets with the patient to evaluate the general structure of the face and discuss the purpose and expectations of bichectomy surgery. A plan is made to suit the patient's facial features. The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. This ensures that the patient does not feel pain. The plastic surgeon usually accesses the biceps glands by making small incisions inside the mouth. This leaves no trace visible from the outside.

The surgeon uses incisions to remove the biceptor glands. This procedure generally involves the removal of fat tissue, but it also aims to clarify facial lines by thinning the muscle tissue to some extent. After the bisector glands are removed, the incisions used are usually closed with stitches. Sutures can generally be absorbable (self-dissolving). The recovery process begins after the surgery. In accordance with the plastic surgeon's recommendations, the patient should rest and limit activities for a certain period of time.

Before and After Bichectomy Surgery